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2020 and 2021 prove to be deadly years on U.S. roadways

On Behalf of | Jan 19, 2022 | Car Accidents |

The year 2020 brought some unanticipated statistics regarding car crashes that surprised many experts. In 2020 there were 38,680 traffic fatalities across the U.S. This is the greatest number of traffic fatalities seen since 2007, despite a reduction in traffic. And it looks like 2021 statistics will continue to show an uptick in traffic deaths.

Traffic fatality statistics

Historically, traffic fatalities had been falling prior to 2020. In 1970 there were approximately 55,000 traffic deaths in the U.S. By 2019 that number declined to 36,096 traffic deaths. However, 2020 saw a 7.2% increase in traffic deaths. This is despite the fact that the total number of miles driven went down 13% in 2020.  And, the first six months of 2021 reveal an 18% uptick in traffic deaths, based on preliminary numbers.

Why the increase in traffic deaths?

There are a variety of reasons that the number of traffic deaths is increasing. Researchers have seen a rise in speeding, drunk driving and the lack of seat belt use. The Governors Highway Safety Association also suggests that a widespread disregard for others while driving is causing more motor vehicle accidents.

Pursuing a wrongful death claim following a fatal crash

If you lose a loved one in a fatal car crash, you likely will want to learn more about wrongful death claims. After all, the loss of a loved one can also be a major financial burden, especially if the deceased was a provider in the home. Filing a wrongful death action can be a way to pursue the compensation you are entitled to following the loss of a loved one at someone else’s hands.